
Tuesday, December 24

Weekends xo

Finally saw SJ after 2 weeks, he survived through field camp! So proud of him :)

We went to eat Keisuke Tonkotsu King over at Tiong Bahru's Orchid Hotel during the weekends and it was so good. I really, really like it! You can customized your ramen and i like my noodles hard, so that really works well for me!

No picture of the noodle because im too hungry so i glupppp everything down.

We had Tonkatsu Ma Maison for dinner (so japanese that day lol) and it was good too! Love it, but the queue is insane.

Next, we went to shop around Orchard and met Deb along the way! Too much of a coincidence sometimes lol! We recognized her from that christmas hat on her head by the way. Its so Deborah HAHAHHA

Happy that i would get to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas with this boy! Just two more weeks to POP, hang on! <3

On a side note, i am really looking for a new camera. I NEED a new camera. My samsung seems to be getting lousier and lousier. All the blurry pictures and whatsnot :/ Makes me so cranky sometimes. Im aiming at the samsung Ex2f white, and its $699 on courts.


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